The word "thigmophylic" which means, literaly, "touch loving" comes up very rarely, usually in literature on rats. They seek a known edge, like the side of a tunnel or curb.
A Santa Ana wind is a somewhat easterly wind in California. A Chinook wind is generally westerly wind in PNW, Alaska, and inland Canada. Is there a regional name for the wind we experienced from the bomb cyclone?
No, as far as I know there is, sadly, no name for this wind phenomenon. Seems like we need to invent one, though East Wind certainly carries some historical, and apparently, biblical weight.
Poor Enumclaw! Living in the gods’ wind tunnel.
Liked your discussion last night and just bought your book Stories of Stone.
Thanks for coming out to see me. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you like the book.
The word "thigmophylic" which means, literaly, "touch loving" comes up very rarely, usually in literature on rats. They seek a known edge, like the side of a tunnel or curb.
Thanks for sharing. That's a great word and idea, too.
A Santa Ana wind is a somewhat easterly wind in California. A Chinook wind is generally westerly wind in PNW, Alaska, and inland Canada. Is there a regional name for the wind we experienced from the bomb cyclone?
No, as far as I know there is, sadly, no name for this wind phenomenon. Seems like we need to invent one, though East Wind certainly carries some historical, and apparently, biblical weight.
Trees in parks have a risky situation they are farther apart from other trees so more susceptible to wind damage than out in the forest.