I was referring to "Fairview Fanny" (spelling?); i.e., the Seattle Times building on Fairview did get the refurb. Oh well, was just a guess. I will keep thinking about it!

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Thanks Sharon for your thoughts. Sounds like a fun website. And, Steve, which old Seattle Times building do you mean? The triangular one or the square that got a facadomy, up on Fairview? One of them does have eagles but not this eagle.

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In answer to the question "Where is it located". I am not sure but will add a guess...is the eagle on the old Seattle Times building? The eagle and the "The" looks like that used to be on the print edition of the newspaper. Looking forward to future editions of the newsletter

Steve Lovell

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Are you familiar with Nick Zentner's lectures in Geology of Washington. He has a few specifically on Seattle faults and other relevant topics. I can send you my spreadsheet with link info for topics. He has a following of usually 800-900 people across the globe. I've been working on viewing all his hour-long community lectures and informal backyard talks, and his field trips (shorter).

Glad to see your blog. I working on a website myself called https://bugsandblights.com

Also, I've been collecting ways in which entomology is depicted in culture. I'm having to liquidate about 1/2 of my extensive collection of way insects appear in toys, shoes, clothing, bedding, nick nacks, and so many other things like Yo-Yos, ear muff, and odd stuff. But among the things I can keep are photos of insects depicted on playground equipment, building facades, fabric on chairs in a church in England. Great fun. I've not started in ernest yet on my website and won't until I've found homes for so many things. I've got another car load ready to go to the Darrington community but their storage was hit by a tree so my outlet for these things has been smashed as well. I know the thrift stores will take them but in Seattle they have more than enough so I'm seeking a charitable organization or low income community where they get to people in need. Ah but I digress. Keep up the good work as a naturalist and keen observer of the things we pass by daily without noticing.

Sharon J. Collman



P.S. I tried to use the email to log on but only got back to this page.

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