Thanks for the information on rubber sidewalks, particularly the boingy incident from Iowa in 1875. I found it as funny as a rubber crutch and laughed out loud.

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Hi David,

I always look forward to these snippets and your books. But the message below necessitates informing you that using recycled rubber tires for any use is a really really bad idea. In the last couple years it was discovered that a relatively benign chemical (6-ppd) in tires that is intended to lengthen the life tires becomes incredibly toxic to coho salmon when altered by UV light and becomes 6-ppd-q. There are many articles published about this. I encourage you to read a few and then encourage your subscribers to educate themselves on how unfortunately bad this stuff is.

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Thanks for sharing this. One change I do plan on making in the book is to add information about this in regard to Longfellow Creek and the salmon in it.

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Not a Seattleite so no help on the walks, but I wonder about rubber sidewalks. Old tires are toxic and leach heavy metals and who knows what else and there's a project going to remove thousands dumped into Puget Sound at one time so what do rubber sidewalks do in the environment?

Congratulations on the Utah recognition by TTW.

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Re your upcoming 3rd Place chat: I gave Spirit Whales and Sloth Tales to my brothers for Christmas and they each loved the book. So do I. Highly recommended!

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