Great article! No doubt you have seen Nova PBS' Do Birds Remember Faces (masks with crows, etc) https://www.pbs.org/video/do-birds-remember-faces-ewrufw/?continuousplayautoplay=true study done at UW - looks like one of the masks you're showing here. Also Nova PBS' Bird Brain. It's fabulous about how birds use tools and much more - here's the link https://www.pbs.org/video/bird-brain-xgnj3x/

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Recently, in Costa Rica, I was on a tour with a naturalist guide. He told our group that, at one time, hunters shot a lot of birds. Now, generations later, the descendants of those birds still panic when they hear a car door slam. The guide said that this fear was hereditary - perhaps he meant it was handed down from generation to generation by instruction, though he attributed it to DNA.

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For the record, only crows would consider Dick Cheney neutral.

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