Archaeological finds show that people were already interested in fossils in prehistoric times and brought them home. Some of these objects were transported over long distances, which indicates the existence of certain trade routes. For example, a trilobite (a marine fossil from the Paleozoic era that became extinct around 250 million years ago) found in a cave in Arcy-sur-Cure (Yonne) in the Magdalenian period (around 17,000 to 14,000 years ago) and made into a piece of jewelry appears to have come from Central Europe. In more recent times, there is evidence of a real trade in certain fossils, to which therapeutic properties were attributed.

From the Middle Ages until the 18th century, the term 'unicorn fossils' was used to describe the remains of mammals from the Quaternary period, often cave bears, which were found in caves and were believed to come from the legendary unicorn, in particular its horn. These fossils were supposedly used to make effective remedies, especially against poisons, and were sold at high prices. In China, traditional pharmacopoeia regarded the bones and teeth of fossilized mammals as those of dragons and attributed extraordinary healing powers to them. These "dragon teeth" were sold ground into powder and were the subject of lively trade between the sites where the fossils were found and the pharmacists in the major cities. Western palaeontologists gained access to China's wealth of fossils for the first time by buying specimens there. Such "medicinal" fossils can still be found today in the traditional pharmacies of Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

There are more about this evolution here: https://dineros.substack.com/p/comerciantes-de-dinosaurios

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Wow, thanks for your thoughtful and interesting comment. I know that in my neck of the woods, in eastern Washington, that we have evidence of people honing petrified wood into projectile points around 8,000 to 9,000 years ago. I've often wondered what they thought about that wood, which looks remarkably like modern trees. I tried to find stories associated with the wood but no luck.

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