In the Realm of Fire and Ice...a nice riff on The Mountaineers book by Stephen L. Harris - Fire & Ice The Cascade Volcanoes with a wink to The Land of Ice and Fire (GOT) thrown in! I like it.

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Congrats on your commission for a new book. I'm excited for it already.

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Pleased to think your perspective can take a hike into hilly terrain.

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One of my favorite birds too! I first saw them inland in Alaska, on a mountain stream in Lake Clark NP. Now I see them off the rocks of Rockport MA.

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word of the day -- Platypussian?

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Knew this about murrelets, but I had no idea harlequin ducks did this as well. My first sighting of one was off the shore at Carkeek. If there was an invitation to join you in the Cascades, I’m in. If not, hope to see you out there!

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