Four score years ago our government brought forth on this continent one of the country’s more despicable acts, clearly not dedicated to the proposition that all men, and women, are created equal. On March 30, 1942, the U.S. Government forced 227 Bainbridge Island residents out of their homes and livelihoods and began the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans in desolate camps across the western US. On Sunday, the Seattle Times did a deep dive into the story. I highly recommend reading all of the articles, as well as Dan Brown’s excellent Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II.
To pay my respects to those who were incarcerated, I would like to highlight two people: Kamekichi Tokita and Kenjiro Nomura. Both were born in Japan and moved to Seattle, where they worked together as sign painters. They also began to paint scenes around the city, particularly downtown and in Nihonmachi, and became well-known and well-respected, winning many awards. After President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, Nomura’s and Tokita’s families were incarcerated at Minidoka, Idaho. Both families returned to Seattle after the war.
In the past few years, I have been fortunate to see shows featuring their work, which I think is beautiful and uniquely evocative of place. The strong lines, details, realism, and color convey some of my favorite perspectives of Seattle. You can read more about both in two excellent books by Barbara Johns: Kenjiro Nomura, American Modernist and Signs of Home: The Paintings and Wartime Diary of Kamekichi Tokita.
Being the history-oriented fellow that I am, I decided to do a Now and Then series of photographs, trying to reproduce the scenes depicted by these two gifted painters. Obviously, things have changed and they were able to create perspectives that I couldn’t. I was still pleased at what I found to compare and contrast and to reflect on the stories these two left us.
Despite their popularity and the praise they earned prior to their incarcerations in WWII, both Tokita and Nomura lost their places in the pantheon of great Seattle painters. Fortunately, the work of Barbara Johns and others is restoring their well-deserved reputations. In Signs of Hope, she writes “their viewpoint and aesthetic statement arise from the specificity of the Japanese immigrant experience in the Northwest. Rather than being subsumed by the generalizing label [American Scene painting], they make a lasting contribution to its complexity.”
As we all know, the world is constantly changing, both physically and culturally. Sadly, far too many people still hold prejudices against Asian people. Let us hope that this too will change. On this anniversary of the first forced evacuations, I am reminded again that we can never forget past wrongs inflicted upon others.
Word of the week - Score - A group of twenty. The OED notes “Presumably from the practice, in counting sheep or large herds of cattle, of counting orally from 1 to 20, and making a ‘score’ or notch on a stick, before proceeding to count the next twenty.”
Thanks for highlighting these local artists and the injustice they suffered and that our Asian brethren unfortunately continue to suffer. I also enjoyed the etymology of the word score. I wonder how common its usage was when Lincoln used it
I agree - we must not forget this tragic history. Thank you for bringing attention to the work of these two artists; I'm grateful some of it's been preserved. Fun to see the then-and-now contrasts.