Okay, time for the big reveal. Here are the answers and, in case you didn’t suspect it, all of them but one are found in Homewaters, which you can buy direct from me, with a signature. (Cost is $33, which includes shipping, taxes, and autograph.)
And, to reiterate. In order to be entered into the drawing for a 40% discount on buying Homewaters through the UW Press, you need to email me (either by responding to this newsletter or via my regular email address wingate@seanet.com), let me know that you took the quiz (it doesn’t make a difference how you did, just that you did it and, I hope, enjoyed it), and shared the quiz/newsletter with others (just click on the blue Share button at the bottom of the email).
Answer A. In 2009, archeologists found hundreds of pieces of basalt, rhyolite, dacite, and chert, which had been hewn into projectile points, knives, scrapers, and hammerstones. The site is located along Bear Creek. No coffee mugs were found: apparently the Bear Creek people eschewed coffee, or at least mugs.
Answer B — The geoduck was found near Richmond Beach and dated by counting the growth rings. A 205-year-old rougheye rockfish was found in Alaska and biologists have determined that red sea urchins have the possibility of cracking two centuries in age. Both species live in Puget Sound, so Answer D could also be correct.
Answer C - Bing Crosby did have an ancestor with the name of Clanrick, who did pilot steamers, but he didn’t operate the Capital. The answer is the story. The Capital lived to steam again after its short and muddy stroll.
Answers A and D - The answer depends on whether you think that Apostolos Valerianos, better known as Juan de Fuca, saw his eponymous strait or not; most historians think he did not. If not, then the first is Frances Barkley, wife of Charles Barkley, who was the first European woman to reach this region, in 1787. So, being the generous soul I am, I consider both to be correct.
Answer B - Built to protect the Sound from enemy invaders, the Triangle of Fire, which consisted of Forts Flagler, Casey, and Warden, was at its maximum strength in 1910. No shots were ever fired at any enemy. I am just glad it’s not Answer A, as that sounds dangerous.
Answer C - xw̌əlč is normally translated as salt water and is the oldest known name that refers to the body of water we call Puget Sound.
Answer A, C, and E - Quimper, Fidalgo, and Haro are three of the many Spanish names on the landscape, a clear reminder of Spanish exploration in this region, an often overlooked part of the area’s history.
Answers B and C - Wilkes generally chose pretty straightforward names, such as Fox (ship surgeon John L. Fox) but he also included a couple of curiosities, such as Bung Bluff (south end of Herron Island) and Ned and Tom (near McNeil Island), which never made it onto any maps.
Answer B - Yep, you guessed it, those guns were powerful enough to lob a shell from tech giant to tech giant.
Answer D - Eighteen species, in one of the richest areas of kelp diversity anywhere, make their home in Puget Sound.
Answer B - Sea urchins are a primary consumer of kelp and if their numbers aren’t kept in check by animals such as sea otters, they can ravage a kelp forest. Sadly seersuckers have long been on the decline in Puget Sound though sartorial sightings are periodically reported.
Answer B - Although they sometimes refer to themselves as age readers, sclerochonologists (sclero-meaning hard or hardness; and chrono-or time) figure out the age of fish by counting growth rings. They are very very patient and precise people.
Answer B - In the 1940s, there was a perceived need for Vitamins A and D and Puget Sound fishers and processors capitalized on this by harvested millions of pounds of sharks. All that was “needed” were the livers so the rest of the fish was tossed, unused for any purpose.
Answer D - Although such an intriguing specimen was found, apparently none of the archeologists made any such comment, but I did compare it to a turducken. It’s in the book.
Sadly, it is Answer D. Nearly all of us contribute to this phenomenon of putting more of these pollutants in Puget Sound. PAHs also impact salmon and rockfish.
Answer D - Our namesake Peter Puget had an eye for the flowers.
Answer B - Not only did Charles Wilkes leave behind a legacy of names, he also thought rather highly of the inland sea.
Answer A - The Rafeedie decision has been called the shellfish equivalent of the Boldt decision.
Answer D - One of the hallmarks of this region, according to Butler and Campbell, is that over thousands of years of catching and consuming fish, the Coast Salish peoples did not deplete their most important food source. They write that there are many lessons to learn from this behavior.
Answer B - Like many early writers in local papers about steamers in the Sound, the author complained. “Though they take a whole week to make a twenty-four hours’ voyage, they hurry in and out of a way-port as if the devil or a sheriff was always after them, and the people generally are beginning to indulge the hope that one or more of those personages may speedily catch and keep them.”
Best caption, well actually a comment about the photography - “Hey that looks like my Uncle Dabb.”
15-20 correct - I will seek you out the next time I write about Puget Sound.
10-15 correct - Sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of Puget Sound, knowing you know some cool info about it.
5-10 correct - Sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of Puget Sound, knowing you learned some cool info about it.
0-5 correct - Have I got a book for you to bone up on your Puget Sound facts.Here’s a link to order Homewaters direct from me, if you feel you want to get 100% on the next quiz.
My virtual tour is coming together. Here are a few dates.
April 19 – In the Moment with Steve Scher – A conversation with the wonderful Steve Scher. It’ll go live at 1PM that day. Another great event through Town Hall Seattle.
April 29 – Harbor History Museum – 6:30PM – I will be interviewed by their Education Coordinator Sarah Knecht. Open to all.
May 3 – Seattle Public Library and Elliott Bay Bookstore – BOOK LAUNCH – Wow, I am honored and excited that I will be interviewed by my pal and former book editor at the Seattle Times Mary Ann Gwinn to launch my new book! It will be a fun event. Click on the either link to register for the talk!!
May 11 – Jefferson County Historical Societyand Port Townsend Marine Science Center – 7PM – I will be interviewed by the Science Center’s Program Manager Diane Quinn. More details to come.
May 26 – Edmonds Bookshop – 6PM – I will be interviewed by my friend, the wonderful artist and author Tony Angell. Sure to be some good laughs.
Actually Ned and Tom (ships boys?) did make in on the Wilkes Expedition map I seeen. Tom I. is now Eagle I., Ned has washed away and is now just a clay (till) platform only exposed at the very lowest tides just to the east of Tom I. The same fate awaits Pitt I. in Pitt Passage. I have a friend who had a remodeling business in Seattle that he called the Ned Island Boatworks.